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Wall Paper Estimating Techniques for Measuring Wallpaper Amounts

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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Wallpaper Estimating Introduction

This blog contains 2 different formulas for computing the amount of wallpaper you will need to buy to cover the walls in the specified room size. The worksheet helps guide you through gathering the necessary information, including number of window and door openings. The 3rd formula helps you estimate the amount of border-strip paper you would need.

Wallpaper Estimating WORKSHEET

Wallpaper Estimating Worksheet

___ A = width (circumference) of room
(this means add up all (usually 4) wall widths)
a1 = wall 1 width
a2 = wall 2 width ..... aI I=number of walls
A = a1 + a2 ... + aI

___ B = width of wallpaper roll

___ C = height of wall

___ D = pattern repeat of wallpaper (length wise)

___ E = length of a single roll of wallpaper

___ F = Number of large openings (doors, windows,etc.)

___ G = pattern repeat on Border roll

___ H = pattern repeat of wallpaper (width wise)

___ I = Number of walls

___ J = length of 1 border roll

___ K = number of rolls of wallpaper per package

___ L = price per single roll

___ M = discount in %

___ N = number of large openings not bordered

Wallpaper Estimating Technique #1


1. A / B = # of strips needed
1a. (A + (I x H))/B = # of strips if centered
2. C + D = length of each strip
3. step1 x step2 = total length needed
4. step3 / E = approx. #rolls needed
5. F / 2 = openings deduction
6. step4 - step5 = final #rolls
7. step6 = rounded up to whole number
8. step7 / K = #packages (round up)
9. step8 x L x K = price
10. (step7 - step6) x K = slippage extra on last roll
11. (step8 - (step7 / K)) x K = #extra rolls
12. 6 sq. ft. = standard slippage allowance
13. 36 sq. ft. per single roll = standard size roll
14. step9 x ((100 - m) x .01) = discounted price
15. step12 / B = standard slippage length

If (step10 - step15) = 0
and step 11 = 0
step7 = (step7 + 1)
Return to step8

Wallpaper Estimating Technique #2

Alternative check procedure


16. A x C sq. ft. = total room sq. ft
17. step16 / (30 sq. ft.) = number of single rolls adjusted for slippage
18. step17 - (F/2) = final #rolls (round up)

step7 in Technique #1 should be approx. equal to step18 in Technique #2

Wallpaper Border Estimating

Border estimating

(A / (J + (G x I) - N )) = number of border rolls

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